Wednesday, July 22, 2009

MUST read Books!!!!

Here are a list of books that I think are important for every woman, parent or believer to read, I will give you a link to each one on Amazon, but please try e-bay, or your local library!

Complete Jewish Bible I love this version of the Bible. You get a real Hebraic feel, and can see a more accurate accounting of names and Yahweh's feasts and festivals. The only complaint I have is that the translator did not use our God's true name, he followed the Jewish tradition of not using the true name of God, I suppose it was to keep from misusing it.

Nourishing Traditions I LOVE THIS BOOK! What a blessing Sally Fallon is. This book, which is technically a cook book, has opened my eyes to a way of life and cooking that has been lost for decades. I don't like the shellfish recipes, as I eat kosher. But everything else is amazing. It will do every mom good to get this book, read it, learn it and implement it. Not everything will sound good to you, but work with the recipes and tweak them to suit you and your families taste.

Unassisted Childbirth
This author changed my life. Laura Shanley is a pioneer of the Freebirth (Unassisted Childbirth) Movement. Her book gives you no nonsense information on how to have a home birth, and why it is important. I feel that you absolutely have to read this if you are planning a home birth. Even if you are planning to have a midwife, there is always a chance that she wont make it on time, so the knowledge you glean from this book will be power for you and your family.

Created To Be His Help-Meet What an amazing eye opening read this was for me. I feel that all women should read this book, take what you like and leave the rest. You will be able to figure your man out, and understand what he needs to be happy, and then how amazing is it that you will be happy as well. My marriage was transformed by this book. Please Please Please, read this if you are married or plan to be married.

To Train Up A Child If you are having any issues with your children this book will save you. I always had a hard time figuring out what I was doing wrong with my children, I loved them a ton, I protected them from everything, and I didn't spank them. Funny how they were just about out of control. Talked back, didn't listen, fought with each other and just about drove us NUTS!

Then a friend of mine turned me on to this book, and our lives are peaceful and awesome. The number one thing that children need, BOUNDARIES! This short book will give you all the tools, that with God's help will transform your household, and create loving and respectful children.

On The Questions Of Jesus I received this book free of charge at an awesome event I attended put on by Michael Rood Ministries. The Author and his wife were at the event and she gave me this book, as I didn't have money to purchase it. It has been a complete blessing to me. Don, has combed through the New Testament and asked all the questions that Yahshua asked, and then gives you some wonderful in site into how it applies to our lives. I love to read one a day and pray and meditate on it. I truly feel that Yahweh is working with this author, if you are blessed enough to find a copy of this book, you will be a happy believer.

The Unschooling Handbook Wow! If you are wondering what Unschool is, this is the place to go. I know that I struggled with the concept for years until I read this book. The author puts unschool into sharp perspective but quoting family's all over the country, they give their ideas and typical days. You will get a full picture of how to introduce learning opportunities for you children, what to watch out for. It's very helpful for parents who are trying to shake this western Greek idea of education and how children need to be 'exposed' to an education rather then taking it for them selves.

Wise Woman Herbal For The Child Bearing Year
One of my best friends is a Lay Midwife. She told me about this book, and I am so impressed. This author gives you a no nonsense list of Herbs, that are essential for us a women to have in our daily diets, to support healthy cycles, ovulation and pregnancy. There are several pages on breastfeeding and postpartum issues. The only problem I have with this book is that in the beginning there are herbs listed to help with a 'natural' abortion, and herbs that will make you sterile. I personally don't think that those things are ok. But to each his own.

How To Raise A Healthy Child: In Spite Of Your Doctor
The title says it all. I have stopped taking my children to the Dr. for everything, and only for the really big issues. You NEED to read this book. Very informative!

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