Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The name of our Messiah!

This is a very important video about the name of our Messiah, it is worth a few minutes to watch, then check it out for yourselves! His name is above all names, but sorry folk's it is NOT Jesus, never has been never will be!!!!!!

Friday, July 31, 2009

Kill your SQUASH BUGS! In one day!

We have had an amazing find in our garden today. Yesterday, we found that our Zucchini plant was infested with Squash Bugs. So my husband reomved the ones he could and sprinkled about a pint of Diatomaceous Earth all over the plant. And today ALL GONE! Not one stinking bug left. This stuff is worth it's weight in gold, I swear by it. There are many many other uses but for now, I will leave you with an all natural remedy for all squash bugs (I hear it works great on other bugs as well, I know it keeps the ants off our pets' food.) What a great way to keep your garden organic!
This is where I get mine! More on Diatomaceous earth later.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Swine Flu Immunizations ****BEWARE****

I can't even begin to stress this enough, DO NOT GET THIS IMMUNIZATION, Especially do not let your children get it. This "flu" was engineered by the government and the Pharma industry, I truly feel that we would be total sheep to allow them to shoot us full of God knows what, and to what end. They have lied about the origins, the death count, and the end game from the beginning of this 'flu'.

They are doing test trials at this point in the game, and part of these trials are on children in Australia, need I remind you of the death toll from m the Gardisil "vaccine". New Immunizations are deadly, it's all about $$$$$$$, big Parma is looking to get your $$$$$$ in any way that they can, scare tactics, and misinformation abound. Please do some research before you allow anyone to stick a needle into your body, and the damage that can be done to small children and babies has been in my experience irreversible and deadly!

What is inside Vaccinations? Hum lets see, aborted fetus', live virus, mercury, and with this swine flu, SWINE! Anyone who has an ear please hear. Research before you submit to a mass vaccination, research before you allow them to turn you into a sheeple.........

Please watch this 60 minute report for the late 70's, you will understand just how deadly this business is.

Yummy Easy Breakfast Burritos.

This is one of our favorite meals, awesome any time of day and easy to prepare.

In a skillet, fry up some hash browns, I like to use olive oil, it's better for you then the cheaper alternatives, and season with sea salt & pepper, or Mrs Dash.

In a second skillet saute lightly:

Diced onion
Chopped garlic
Chopped chili peppers (or any fresh peppers from your garden, yum)
and diced turkey bacon (the one un-healtyish splurge in this dish, but it is better then the swine alternative)

When your potatoes are ready then add your sautee mixture, mix it all up and then move it all to one side of the skillit.

Crack several eggs in a bowl and add to the empty side of the skillit. Stir the eggs and start the scrambling process, then mix the whole shabang together.. I only takes a minute or so to finish up the egss, stir constantly.

Throw a big scoop in your favorite Whole Wheat tortilla, add salsa, cheese and sour cream.


For the picky eaters, just put it on the plate, we call it Cowboy Breakfast. A little ketchup and even the pickiest child is eating peppers and onions.. HAHA

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Water Kefir, what is it? Basic Recipe.

For those who haven't heard of Kefir before, like me only a year ago. I will try to explain what it is and why it's an awesome addition to any diet. Kefir is a yummy, sweet carbonated soda like, healthy wonder.

Water Kefir has been around for centuries, I have read many accounts where children in mountains somewhere in the east drank mostly Kefir and lived to be over 100 years old on average. The simple description is that Kefir is a mix of beneficial bacteria and yeasts that are held together, and feed off of cane sugar, and sugar from fruits. Technically water kefir is usually made up of Streptococcus, Lactobacillus, Pediococcus and Leuconostoc bacteria with yeasts from Saccharomyces, Candida, Kloeckera and possibly others. In my research I have found that all of these living organisms help you to have a healthy gut along with many other health benefits.

I have found that these little guys are like a life tonic, I have more energy and my gut seems to be in much better shape when drinking Kefir daily, not to mention how nuts' the kids get when I make a new batch. .

It is very simple to prepare Kefir, what you will need:

1 Quart wide mouth jar
1/2 Lemon
1/2 Cup Brown Cane Sugar (kefir grains don't seem to like beet sugar) Or Succanat (unprocessed cane suger)
1/3 Cup Kefir Grains
Dried Fruit (I like to use organic figs as my dried fruit, but prunes, or raisins work great as well.)
Good water (Kefir Grains hate chlorine, so don't use city tap water)

Wash your jar, then add your kefir grains, brown sugar, lemon (just toss it in), 2 figs or prunes or a small hand full of raisins. Fill your jar with good water until the rim, give it a bit of head space so the carbonation doesn't break the jar. Put a cap on the jar, give it a shake and your off.

A couple of times a day give the jar a shake or stir, and then unscrew the lid a bit to let off the pressure. Your Kefir drink should be ready within 24 to 48 hours, just taste it at 5 hours intervals to see when you like the taste.

If you let it go to long then it will taste alcoholic, since the Kefir grains eat the sugar, and give off bubbles, the longer it goes the less sweet it is.

When you reach the flavor you want, just drain your drink through a mesh strainer, squeeze the lemon into it, and enjoy!

Rinse your grains and start a new batch, you can reuse the dried fruit for a few batches. If you don't like the flavor of the plain batch then add it to some juice, or iced tea... Yum!

Purchasing Kefir is fairly easy, the Internet is awesome and you can even get some on e bay now. The best part about Water Kefir Grains, they multiply... if you feed them well and take care of them, they will multiply and grow. Soon all your friends and family will have grains you have given them. After you have given grains to everyone you know you can eat them, my mother in law puts them in her cottage cheese, and other foods. She feels like a new woman.

What's all the hipe about Buckwheat pillows?

I have never in my life paid so much for something that is in its self a by-product. The fact that anyone would pay $80.00 for a pillow who's outer material is simple cotton, and who's inner filling is what is left over after they hull buckwheat, has never really made any sense to me.

There are many awesome benefits to using these pillows though, firstly they are awesome comfortable.... Think memory foam, only all natural, and non toxic. I have also read in several places that Buckwheat are non allergenic. My two asthma kids have no issues with their pillows now, and they sleep very comfortably. Buckwheat breathes, if you make the pillow out of cotton, and use a cotton pillow case, you will never wake up sweaty again, the pillow wicks moisture from you, and it seems that dust mites don't like them.

So after researching buckwheat pillows and why on the web, I decided it was in my best interest to just make one for myself. Now finding your buckwheat hulls is another story. Since they are all the rage right now be careful about just ordering them from the Internet, since you will most likely get over charged. I order mine through my favorite health food store in town. The owner orders huge 50 lbs sacks for me, and when I say huge I mean it. The hulls themselves are very light weight, so 50 lbs is a lot.

Then I take a a pillow case and I cut my material roughly the size of the pillow case. Sew the seems at 5/8 of and inch, but leave yourself a hole roughly the size of a glass at the end (so you can put your hulls in. Then turn it right side out. I like to stitch a second seem on the outside as well,, better safe then sorry. Spilled buckwheat hulls are a nightmare to clean up.

After you have the case sewn then use a simple canning funnel to pour your hulls in. I like mine to weigh about 4 1/2 to 5 lbs, and the cool thing is that you can reopen it and add more or take some out to suit your likes. I like to weigh mine with a fish scale (very inexpensive), then close up your hole, and Voila` you have a buckwheat pillow that sells for WAY too much money and it cost you literally a few dollars to make.

A few hint's instead of buying new material for your cover, just cut up a favorite old sheet, since you will definitely put a pillow case over your pillow to protect it, who cares what the cover looks like. Just in case you haven't noticed there is a lot of buzz about Lavender lately, and I can say that it's right on. I make tea from Lavender flowers at night to relax me, I put Lavender Essential oil in my baths and I put satchels of lavender in my buckwheat pillows. The smell is subtle and it is so relaxing to breath deep the sent of calming Lavender before I close my eyes at night. Next time I make one for myself, I am going to put Chamomile in there as well.

Have fun, and perfection is not the purpose, the purpose is a comfortable, healthy, supportive pillow that will last you for years.

Home Gym for $100.00?

Yes you can have a home gym for around $100! I have a few helpful tips for the mom's or anyone for that manner who would love to have a gym membership but cant afford it. Afford the time or the money, I know that with 5 kids and 5 paper routes I don't have 5 extra minutes to go work out anywhere, and on top of that I also, due to the 5 kids and routes don't have 2 extra pennies to tub together. But, I have found that since I stopped working (outside the home) and smoking, that I am holding onto like 50 extra pounds that are stuck to me like glue.

Well, my husband of course does not care about the weight, but it drives me crazy. I have a terrible time looking in the mirror and not seeing that fit 18 year old that lives in my head. So I decided to do something about it. I have tons of workout tapes, everything from Yoga to Latin Dancing, but if you are like me, working out to a tape with kids crawling all over you is not something that works well. So the tapes sit unused, except for my teenager who loves doing them (she's a show off!). So what other options do I have? Walking, which I try to do as often as I can, but the time constrants make it tough to fit a walk in everyday. So that leaves a home gym.

Being on the monetarily challenged side it took me a few months to get it together, and nothing I have is new (except my rebounder), my trick it THRIFT STORES, you go into any thrift store and you will find work out equipment. I have found things that cost $100 new, but I got them for $14.99. I have 5 pieces in my "Nintendo" room and I got it all for right around $100.

I have a exercise bike, a health rider, The Red, a rebounder. several weights, a yoga ball and work out bands. Plenty of items to have a great workout, whenever I want. Now sure sometimes it sits for a couple of weeks but the kids love having it, and being schooled at home, it's easy to want to stay inside, but they have a blast working out on the gym equipment.

I suggest just budgeting $20 a month, if you can afford it, or less if needs be, but carry your gym fund with you. Then when you see a piece at t a yard sell (bargain it down) or at a thrift store (don't forget to get on it and make sure it is in good working order), then you can buy it and start your Gym.

If space is an issue, then put one piece in every room, then make a circuit, the kids love working out with mom, and think of the awesome habits you are instiling in them. I believe that we need to get our heart rates up a bit once a dayat least, and breaking a sweat is the best thing you can do to clean out an an over toxic system. Jumping on a rebounder (mini trampoline) for up to 10 minutes a day keeps your lymph system running at an optimal clip. And if you are pregnant it is imperative that you get exercise daily, it will help you sleep and get rid of morning sickness.

Happy hunting, and please let me know what you find.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

New Moon!!!!!!

It's almost here people. The New Moon. What a blessing we have in Yahweh's time reckoning. We get a brand new month and what I feel is a brand new start every month with the sighting of the sliver of the new moon. The Torah says that we are to tell one month from another with the New Moon.... But unfortunately we have lost that glorious custom with the Jewish Calendar and the Gregorian Calendar. We only look at the moon as a dot on our calendar's, not something that has any significance.

We are commanded to blow the Shofar on new moon.... From what I can tell we should be able to spot it tomorrow night. Just make noise, and praise him..... How do you spot it you ask, well you need to go outside and look towards the setting sun, it will pop up to the left of the setting sun sometimes for only minutes sometimes for hours. Let me tell you that I got a chill the first time I was able to spot it, and I look forward to looking for it every month.... Praise our maker for giving us such a simple and amazing way to keep track of His time. A strong look into the reason we have the calendars we have now, is an eye opening experience.... and something you wont regret.

"Mom, Dad? Why don't you ever listen to me?"

Most parent's today believe that kid's should be seen and not heard. They think that kids do not, and should not have there own opinion. Well only those kids know how it feels.... Bad.

As someone who goes through it with some people myself, I have concluded to only nod and say"OK". But how a kid feels is worse than it looks. They feel like they are just being brushed away and put in a corner or swept under a rug. That he/she doesn't care about their opinion or what they think is right. But I know that some kids have it worse than I of course, but I'm sure no one likes it.

For example: Say that you get into a conversation with your kid, but everything that she says you just brush off, only thinking of how what she says is not what you believe to be the truth... and basically tell her that she is wrong and that she shouldn't have an opinion because she is either to young, or not worldly enough, or only spouting the opinion of the other parent, or a friend. Is it so hard to believe that a child of any age (I know that my 5 year old brother has strong opinions on what he believes) could know what they think and believe in, is it so hard to allow that child the opportunity to be heard and respected?

When you ignore or brush her/him aside, in her mind she subconsciously tells herself "This person doesn't care about what I'm saying!" and she thinks, "I'm some kind of opinion-less puppet." In the long run, that's going to mess her up as an adult. She will automatically think that no one cares what she thinks, or that everyone's opinion is wrong, and her's is the only right one. Trust me, I've seen it before. So people PLEASE, give your kids a chance, stop thinking about yourselves for a moment and you might be surprised what they have to say. We are smarter then we act sometimes, I promise.

MUST read Books!!!!

Here are a list of books that I think are important for every woman, parent or believer to read, I will give you a link to each one on Amazon, but please try e-bay, or your local library!

Complete Jewish Bible I love this version of the Bible. You get a real Hebraic feel, and can see a more accurate accounting of names and Yahweh's feasts and festivals. The only complaint I have is that the translator did not use our God's true name, he followed the Jewish tradition of not using the true name of God, I suppose it was to keep from misusing it.

Nourishing Traditions I LOVE THIS BOOK! What a blessing Sally Fallon is. This book, which is technically a cook book, has opened my eyes to a way of life and cooking that has been lost for decades. I don't like the shellfish recipes, as I eat kosher. But everything else is amazing. It will do every mom good to get this book, read it, learn it and implement it. Not everything will sound good to you, but work with the recipes and tweak them to suit you and your families taste.

Unassisted Childbirth
This author changed my life. Laura Shanley is a pioneer of the Freebirth (Unassisted Childbirth) Movement. Her book gives you no nonsense information on how to have a home birth, and why it is important. I feel that you absolutely have to read this if you are planning a home birth. Even if you are planning to have a midwife, there is always a chance that she wont make it on time, so the knowledge you glean from this book will be power for you and your family.

Created To Be His Help-Meet What an amazing eye opening read this was for me. I feel that all women should read this book, take what you like and leave the rest. You will be able to figure your man out, and understand what he needs to be happy, and then how amazing is it that you will be happy as well. My marriage was transformed by this book. Please Please Please, read this if you are married or plan to be married.

To Train Up A Child If you are having any issues with your children this book will save you. I always had a hard time figuring out what I was doing wrong with my children, I loved them a ton, I protected them from everything, and I didn't spank them. Funny how they were just about out of control. Talked back, didn't listen, fought with each other and just about drove us NUTS!

Then a friend of mine turned me on to this book, and our lives are peaceful and awesome. The number one thing that children need, BOUNDARIES! This short book will give you all the tools, that with God's help will transform your household, and create loving and respectful children.

On The Questions Of Jesus I received this book free of charge at an awesome event I attended put on by Michael Rood Ministries. The Author and his wife were at the event and she gave me this book, as I didn't have money to purchase it. It has been a complete blessing to me. Don, has combed through the New Testament and asked all the questions that Yahshua asked, and then gives you some wonderful in site into how it applies to our lives. I love to read one a day and pray and meditate on it. I truly feel that Yahweh is working with this author, if you are blessed enough to find a copy of this book, you will be a happy believer.

The Unschooling Handbook Wow! If you are wondering what Unschool is, this is the place to go. I know that I struggled with the concept for years until I read this book. The author puts unschool into sharp perspective but quoting family's all over the country, they give their ideas and typical days. You will get a full picture of how to introduce learning opportunities for you children, what to watch out for. It's very helpful for parents who are trying to shake this western Greek idea of education and how children need to be 'exposed' to an education rather then taking it for them selves.

Wise Woman Herbal For The Child Bearing Year
One of my best friends is a Lay Midwife. She told me about this book, and I am so impressed. This author gives you a no nonsense list of Herbs, that are essential for us a women to have in our daily diets, to support healthy cycles, ovulation and pregnancy. There are several pages on breastfeeding and postpartum issues. The only problem I have with this book is that in the beginning there are herbs listed to help with a 'natural' abortion, and herbs that will make you sterile. I personally don't think that those things are ok. But to each his own.

How To Raise A Healthy Child: In Spite Of Your Doctor
The title says it all. I have stopped taking my children to the Dr. for everything, and only for the really big issues. You NEED to read this book. Very informative!

My house is killing me!

A book, By Jeffery C. May.

I have been reading this book for the last few days, and may I say Oh My Gosh! I knew that there were allergens in all of our homes, but I truly had no idea the extent of the damage that is being done every minute of every day to our health. And if you happen to have a child or two which is my case, with Asthma, I strongly suggest that you get this book and read it. Jeffery May, tells you all about the little pests that are invading our lives, why and how to eliminate them. I myself am now trying to work up the nerve to ask my landlord to replace the carpet with anything but carpet, not sure how he is going to take it, but it's worth a try.

The number one important action that needs to be taken, PETS! I know that we love our pets and they mean the world to us, but honestly let me ask you a question, who do you love more Fido, or your child? And yes I know that there will be kicking and screaming, kids love their furry friends, but unfortunately pet dander is one of the main allergies that children with Asthma share in common. It is so important for us to put their health first, 5000 children die a year in this country from Asthma! That number is heart stopping to me, the thought of one of my amazing children dieing from a disease that can be managed better then it currently is, horrifies me.

That being said, I am now looking for homes for our cat and dog. My daughter is wanting a lizard or a snake (OY VEY) to replace them, but that will have to be decided later. For now baby steps, and trying to clean up my already clean house. And suggestions are welcome and appreciated.

My House Is Killing Me, By Jeffery C May

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

How to make Bulgar.

Making Bulgar is very simple, and very good for you. It is a staple in middle eastern diets, and you can add it to just about anything you are wanting to bake or cook.

Take 1 cup or Wheat or Rye berries ( I do one of each) Whole Barley not pearled will also sprout, but Oat Groats will not. Put your grain in a wide mouth mason jar. Cut some screen (like on your windows) into circle disks to fit the top of the jars, then put the band on the jar.

Fill to the top with water, let sit for 12 ish hours, then pore off the water into another container and water your plants with it (lots of good nutrients for your plants). Fill with water again then drain it off. I like to set the jars upside down at an angle in my dish drain rack, as you want to let the water drain out and still get air into the jar.

Do the rinse drain thing a couple times a day until it sprouts. Usually happens on day 2 or 3.

Put your sprouts in a thin layer on dehydrator tray, or even a cookie sheet. In the dehydrator set the temp for 115* for around 12 hours. If using a cookie sheet, then set in the sun on the back porch until dried, be sure to stir from time to time. Or put in the oven on the lowest setting, until dried. (try not to get to hot, as you don't really want to cook them ;)

When the sprouts are completely dried, crack them with a hand grinder, or you can use your grain mill, on the course setting. I like to just crack it so it is nice and course. It works great as a hot cereal, or in Taboli, and I add it to my bread, and my porridge.

Put you Bulgar in an air tight jar and store in the fridge. Keeps for a very long time, and don't forget to experiment, Bulgar is a great addition to any dish!

Mama's Lightweight Whole Grain Bread....

This is a recipe for whole grain wheat bread with other grains as well. I like to add lots of good for you stuff to my bread, because you can get away with it, and the kids are none the wiser. To make this bread you for sure need a grain mill, and a Bosch bread machine... This recipe makes 4 awesome loaves, and they are light enough for sandwiches like white, but filling like wheat....

  • 2 1/2 C Whey (or buttermilk or milk) cold from the fridge
  • 2 1/2 C Hot (just to boiling) H2o (I use an electric kettle)
  • 1 1/2 T Sea salt
  • 2/3 C Olive oil (grape seed is good as well)
  • 1/3 C Turbinado sugar (or any sweetener you like Honey works awesome)
  • 5 C Whole grain flour (I make a mixture of equal Wheat, Rye, Oat groat & Barley) Packed
  • 1 C Bulgar (I do a mixture of equal Wheat and Rye)
  • 1/4 C Gluton flour
  • 1/4 C Ground Flax Seed's
  • 3 T Yeast
Put the above ingredients into your mixer in the order listed, then run on 1, for 30 seconds or so. Then add:
  • 5 1/2 C Packed Unbleached White Flour (I use Organic when I can afford it)
Put your mixer on 2, (I like to add the rest of the flour while its still going on 1, but some aren't comfortable with that). Set a timer for 10 minutes and walk away.

Divide into 4 equal loaves put in greased bread pans, put a slit lengthwise in the top of each loaf, let rise until just over the top of the pan, cook in a preheated oven at 350* For 30 Minutes.

Remove from pans and put on cooling rack, brush some butter or Olive Oil on the top of the loaves. And enjoy!

Sine they are made from scratch with no preservitaves you want to keep them in the Fridge or Freezer. I keep the one we are eating out on the counter, as I don't like cold bread ;).

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Mama's Overnight Yummy Porridge.

Here is the recipe for my overnight porridge. You throw all the ingredients into your crock-pot before you go to bed, and then when you get up breakfast is ready and boy is it yummy!

c = Cup T = Tablespoon

  • 1/2 c Brown Rice
  • 1/2 c Oat Groats
  • 1/2 c Barley (whole or pearled)
  • 1c Rolled Oats
  • 1/4 c Polenta (or cornmeal)1/2 c Millet (or Quinoa)
  • 1/4 c Hulled Buckwheat

You can substitute any of the grains above with something else, sometimes mine has way more Rolled Oats then anything else, it all depends on what's on hand, and the budget of course.

  • 1/2c Whey (or Buttermilk, or Milk)
  • 1/2 c Raisins (or any other dried fruit)
  • 1/2 c Turbinado Sugar (or any sugar you like)
  • 4T Milled Flax Seed
  • 1 T Cinnamon
  • 1/2 T Sea Salt
  • 3 T Butter
  • 7 to 8 c Water

Stir it together, it will be very liquid, it needs it as it will cook all night. Turn your crock-pot on
Low put the lid on and go to bed. This porridge will feed many mouths.

It should be sweet enough and just plain yummy, but some like it sweeter. And left overs should be put into a cake pan pushed flat, and refrigerated. Then during snack time, you cut it into squares and put a dollop of whip cream on it, and you have Porridge Cake, the kids will love it (my hubby like me to make whole batches for him to have in the fridge, he likes to have it at work, filling and tasty all at once).

Our exhilarating unschool!

Spending time with my siblings is good for the mind, and for me that's unschool. Everyone should try out home schooling better yet unschooling. What is unschooling you may ask? Unschooling is like a cup of life! Unschooling... is Awesome! Unschooling is DA-bomb, I get to choose what I want to learn, and when I want to learn it. Unschool should be called life school, because I get to learn how to cook, how to blog, how to do Algebra, how to keep a clean house, how to farm (town). I love going to the Library and spending hours having fun reading and choosing videos. I get to choose whatever I please, and learn anything I like, and have fun with it. Oh Yeah!

When I was in public school, I hated it. I did not like being away from my family, and I was bored, because I was too smart for the class. My mom had home schooled me for sometime before that, so it was a real punch in the mouth going to public school. I was bullied with words by others, but I didn't take it as an insult, because I was strong and YHVH was with me, even when my family was at home.

Home School, doesn't suck that much! Because I sit at the table with my family doing book work, and learning things like cursive and English. It's good doing book work, but it's better doing unschool because I learn way more things then I used to learn just out of textbooks. Like how to write a check. My siblings and I recently purchased a huge LEGO ship from a friend. And I wanted to know how checks worked since my mom was going to write a check for the ship. So she drew a huge check on the black board in the kitchen, and taught me all about checks and the banking system. I can now tell you all about checks and how they work, if you ask me, and I'm only 11. My mom says she didn't learn about checks until she had a checking account!

So, I hope you learn something new from this blog.


Farmtown for learning?

This might come as a shock to some, but I am advocating that everyone figure out a way for their children to play Farmtown. For those who haven't heard of it, Farmtown is an interactive game that you can play from Facebook. At first I refused to even look at it, figuring it was stupid and that I would be wasting my time, but now that I have played for awhile and allowed my older children to play for a few days I gotta say Wow, what a learning game.

Not only do they learn about farming (yes a simple form to be sure) but they also learn about money (saving and spending), you have an opportunity to work for other farmers, and hire others to work your farms. They get a chance to work on their spelling and typing skills, as they chat with friends and family, and send and receive gifts. All in all I love it, and so do the kids. It really warms my heart to see them working to save enough money to buy a barn, or animal they really want, because I know that in a limited budget household like ours, they wont get very many opportunities to work with money in real life, so I am super glad that I can give them this chance to practice these important skills.

And for those who are unfamilluar woith facebook, it is a social netwqorking site that you can connect with friends and family. Unlike myspace it seems relatively innocent, and you can be sure to only have family and friends on your friends list. Strangers hardly ever ask to be friends with you, usually only if you are in a group (home schoolers, ER fans .....) together.