Thursday, July 23, 2009

Home Gym for $100.00?

Yes you can have a home gym for around $100! I have a few helpful tips for the mom's or anyone for that manner who would love to have a gym membership but cant afford it. Afford the time or the money, I know that with 5 kids and 5 paper routes I don't have 5 extra minutes to go work out anywhere, and on top of that I also, due to the 5 kids and routes don't have 2 extra pennies to tub together. But, I have found that since I stopped working (outside the home) and smoking, that I am holding onto like 50 extra pounds that are stuck to me like glue.

Well, my husband of course does not care about the weight, but it drives me crazy. I have a terrible time looking in the mirror and not seeing that fit 18 year old that lives in my head. So I decided to do something about it. I have tons of workout tapes, everything from Yoga to Latin Dancing, but if you are like me, working out to a tape with kids crawling all over you is not something that works well. So the tapes sit unused, except for my teenager who loves doing them (she's a show off!). So what other options do I have? Walking, which I try to do as often as I can, but the time constrants make it tough to fit a walk in everyday. So that leaves a home gym.

Being on the monetarily challenged side it took me a few months to get it together, and nothing I have is new (except my rebounder), my trick it THRIFT STORES, you go into any thrift store and you will find work out equipment. I have found things that cost $100 new, but I got them for $14.99. I have 5 pieces in my "Nintendo" room and I got it all for right around $100.

I have a exercise bike, a health rider, The Red, a rebounder. several weights, a yoga ball and work out bands. Plenty of items to have a great workout, whenever I want. Now sure sometimes it sits for a couple of weeks but the kids love having it, and being schooled at home, it's easy to want to stay inside, but they have a blast working out on the gym equipment.

I suggest just budgeting $20 a month, if you can afford it, or less if needs be, but carry your gym fund with you. Then when you see a piece at t a yard sell (bargain it down) or at a thrift store (don't forget to get on it and make sure it is in good working order), then you can buy it and start your Gym.

If space is an issue, then put one piece in every room, then make a circuit, the kids love working out with mom, and think of the awesome habits you are instiling in them. I believe that we need to get our heart rates up a bit once a dayat least, and breaking a sweat is the best thing you can do to clean out an an over toxic system. Jumping on a rebounder (mini trampoline) for up to 10 minutes a day keeps your lymph system running at an optimal clip. And if you are pregnant it is imperative that you get exercise daily, it will help you sleep and get rid of morning sickness.

Happy hunting, and please let me know what you find.


  1. You are so resourceful! but YOU CANT have my elliptical... :) Blessings Keep Food REAL!

  2. Hahahahaha, give me time I'll find one for cheap!!!
