Thursday, September 04, 2008

The state of our society.

I found a few minutes this afternoon sitting in my rocking chair humming a teething baby to sleep, to watch Judge Judy. And I was hit with this massive nausea over the state of relationships now a days. We have people suing people over bills and furniture , cell phone bills, slander and a host of other petty issues caused by men and women moving in together with out the benefit of marriage. Or roommates who cant stand each other and leave the other one hanging with the rent and bills and so forth.

For as much as we all think we have grown and changed, with our modern world, living alone or with strangers, dating many many people, not 'settling', and playing the field. I believe we are way worse off then ever before. What is it that we were running from in the first place. Was it the security and stability of life long marriage? Was it the health and safety of a monogamist relationship? Was it the love and structure that living at home with your family until marriage afforded? The most important question is are we crazy? What in the world is wrong with us?

You see I have a few friends and family members who are currently dealing with some of these issues, having lived with someone who was not their spouse and now living in a tiny apartment struggling to make the ends meet, after being practically robbed by the 'significant other' when it all went to hell in a hand basket. What was the point? Are they going to end up on Judge Judy fighting it our over $100 dollars and a game system.

"He has a bag of my clothes!" She whines,
"Well she ruined my computer!" He snarled, to elicit a snort and an eye roll form Judge Judy.

God forbid.

I would like to call out to everyone to go back in time, back to when people got married for the rest of their lives, had kids and raised them with morals and values. Made sure that they had a strong foundation based on religious principals, a biblical beginning if you will. Like teaching our children that lying is a sin, and that your virginity is special and something that should not be given lightly. What would our world look like if our children were taught what a good work ethic looked like, and understood that consequences follow actions, either good or bad. Children that have had discipline (OMG yes I am talking about spanking) and respect their elders, and love their neighbor........

Look at the people we want to emulate in the press. We gobble up magazines full of slutty looking women who jump from man to man and have children with many different people. Or the men who trade their wives in for a younger model. If we didn't buy these rags (or watch the television shows) then maybe they would put people on the cover who had some values and morals that our children could really look up too.

What influence are we being on our kids? How do we dress, how long do we keep a job? What kind of books and magazines do we read, what kind of programs do we watch on the TV and at the theater? These are all questions we need to be asking ourselves. One that I have struggled with is the music I listen to. My husband has a weakness for rock music, and honestly some of the lyrics are completely inappropriate, even some of the country music I listen too is not suitable for children to listen to, and I have in the past excused it by saying, "They aren't even listening, they're busy playing." Yeah right, only later to have them humming the beat and singing the lyrics. Oops

Shouldn't our kids be our first priority? Why are we ok with strangers raising our children? Now I understand that some mothers due to divorce and or death of a spouse have no choice but to get a job to take care of their children. But what kind of family's do we have that we will turn the raising of our children over to a daycare and public school, for what I ask? So that we can have better cars, or a bigger house, God forbid we don't get to take a vacation every year. What happened to the dad's who found a second job if needed to make ends meet. I stay home and take care of my children, I take full responsibility for their care, discipline, and education. And let me tell you it can be the hardest job there is. My husband on the other hand works and makes sure that we have enough money to pay the bills. Sometimes it is really hard and at other times it is easier. And when we need it he has gone and gotten a second job, because having his children raised by their mother is his #1 priority. He works in manual labor and does not have any kind college degree to 'fall back on', but we make it and I know that there are more family's that could make it if they only gave it a try.

We are responsible for them, and when they grow up, are we going to be proud of the job we've done? I hope that I will do a good job and that I will raise a bunch of awesome, respectful, healthy kids. When did being a mother become something that was less than having a career. And if a career is something that you want maybe waiting until the children are grown might be a good idea.

Isn't raising our children and parenting supposed to be the most important job there is.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

My little girl.

I just wanted to take a few minutes and document Abigail sweet existence. She is the first baby that I have given birth to all by myself, no doctors or nurses, no stir-ups... just me a pool and then there was a baby. The most sweet beautiful baby in the world. She was so perfect and fat and pink. Well needless to say I haven't ever had to take her to a Dr. she is super healthy, and fat, and still perfect.

The question is why is she so healthy, I have a few ideas.... First, maybe its because her cord wasn't clamped and cut immediately after birth.... did you know that doing that traps a full 30% to 50% of the baby's blood volume in the placenta. You might ask yourself "Self, why would Dr's who are supposed to do no harm rob the tinyist little life of so much of his or her very vital blood?" I can tell you, part of it is just being total impatient A -holes... wanting to hurry and get outta that room and on to other things, hence the shot of Pitocin that they always give now to "help" the placenta come faster, God forbid they let nature take it's course and wait for the cord to stop pulsing then cut it. And perhaps if all women were allowed to let their placentas detach and come out on their own (no tugging, yanking, or pulling required) then we would not have the high instance of PP hemorrhage.

Then there is the selling of our placentas that is happening all over this country. The hospitals are selling our placentas to Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic companies.. Why you might ask? Cord blood is a huge deal now, and the Hospitals get a huge payday for that, but do you think that we get a credit on our bill since it is our "Medical Waste" they are selling to make face cream (bet you didn't know that lots of our anti-aging smudge we slather all over our faces and bodies has human placentas in them), and all sorts of things that I don't even want to get into here.

Second, she has never been poked by a needle, not for a Vitamin K shot, or any other "Immunization" they kill more babies then they help by the way. I did not cut her heel to test her for a Metabolic Disorder that only strikes like less then 1% of babies, and usually there is a family connection (heredity) nor did I take her in when she got Jaundice, as something like over 90% of newborns have Jaundice... And being an intelligent person that knows how to read I was able to do research on Jaundice and found that there are 3 kinds, and that Abbie had the most common and most easily treatable kind. Treated with lots of boob juice and some sunlight.

I took Alisha (my oldest) in twice a day for the first week Post-Pard for "heal sticks" because of her jaundice. They never did or gave her anything for it, but her heels looked like pin cushions.

There are many other reasons I feel contribute the Abigail's over all health and well being, I co-sleep, she has spent every night of her life within arms reach of me. I wear her in a sling (more when she was small) around the house and out in public at the store. She has never been that screaming baby in Walmart getting her car seat shaken, while being shushed by an antsy mom who just wants to run outta there leaving her cart full of stuff behind.

I have never fed her on the schedule that was put out by God knows who saying that babies need cereal at 4 months and food at 6 months.... bla bla bla. She has only been interested in nursing from the start, and she is just now at 10 months starting to want to try other foods. And the funny thing is, if you nurse your baby exclusively that is all the food they need until they are a year old. That little tidbit is not given by the mainstream media, maybe because they are funded by the Formula companies, I wont even get into what poise that crap is right now.

So here we are at 10 months, and Abbie weighs 22 pounds, she is crawling and cruising, she is saying mama, dada, baba, and like 4 or 5 other baby words. She eats great, she sleeps soundly, she only poops once a week (which really freaked me out at first, but there doesn't seem to be a problem). She loves her siblings and enjoys 'petting' hahaha the kitties.

I am writing this so that I can remind myself that listening to my gut and my mothers intuition will always be a better idea then listening to the mainstream media, Dr's who always have a agenda and who are also pressured by the Pharm Companies. Now I am not saying that there isn't a place for Dr's and hospitals, because there definitely is, I'm saying that they should be more of a last resort, God gave us all the ability to take care of our offspring, just like the animals, I have yet to see a chimp take her baby to another chimp to fix it, she takes care of her baby herself.

Mothers trust your intuition.... you'll thank me later!!!